

Carolthon - 14th December 2024

We were delighted to present a cheque for £2650 to our 2024 Carolthon charity partner, Highlands and Islands Blood Bikes. Thanks to the generosity of all who supported our Carolthon, this was half of the total amount raised. The other half will support Choir expenses going forward. We are also grateful to Eastgate Centre and Chisholm Hunter jeweller for allowing us to use the space in the centre.

Our picture shows (L-R) Pat Crippin (Chair ICS), Gordon Scott (Head of Operations HAIBB), Beryl Sharp (HAIBB), Andrea Gritter (ICS Carolthon organiser), Ross Sharp (President HAIBB), Gina Francis (ICS Treasurer).

Highlands and Islands Blood Bikes are a volunteer run charity which operates a fleet of specially equipped motorcycles which can efficiently transport medical consignments across Highlands and beyond. You can find out more about this worthwhile work here.


2025 Carolthon will be on Saturday 13th December, inthe Eastgate Centre, Inverness.


Each year we partner with a local charity for our Carolthon, with monies raised being shared equally between the charity partner and the Choral Society. The charity partner has responsibility for providing people on the day to collect donations from passers by, and also to prepare advertising flyers and posters and promoting the event through their usual channels. The Choral Society set up on line giving, promote the event through their social media, web page etc and provide the teams of singers.

Charity partners are chosen annually in September, so if you'd like to be considered, and feel you can provide the necessary input, you can let us know by contacting us on Info@invernesschoral.org.uk









Centenary logo
Centenary logo
Our logo for our centenary celebrations in 2020
2019 Carolthon, Eastgate Centre
2019 Carolthon, Eastgate Centre
Another group, including some of Befrienders Highland volunteers collecting
2019 Carolthon, Eastgate Centre
2019 Carolthon, Eastgate Centre
The lunchtime group, where some pieces from "Messiah" were included, and enjoyed by the audience
2019 Carolthon, Eastgate Centre
2019 Carolthon, Eastgate Centre
One of the groups singing
Bob, Carol and Mandy, introducing our 2018 partner charity, Inverness Foodstuff.
Some of the larger group singing over the lunchtime period.
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