
Inverness Choral Society is a registered Scottish Charity No: SCO15219

Who's Who

Who runs the Inverness Choral Society?

Below you will find details of our conductor, accompanist and members of the voluntary committee.  This reflects changes agreed at our 2024 AGM. There are some photos at the foot of the page (of those we have managed to catch on camera!)

PAT MacMAHON is an Honorary Patron.
SHEILA BRUCE is an Honorary Life Member.

Gordon Tocher was born in Inverness and studied music at Aberdeen University.  Besides teaching and composing (commissions have included works for  Inverness Choral Society, for the Scottish Guitar Festival and for the Highland  Chamber Orchestra), he is engaged in a wide range of other musical activities. He is active as an organist, and is a member of the chamber choir Musick Fyne and the local instrumental ensembles Coronach, The Marvel of Peru and the Merlewood Ensemble. A long-standing member of the Inverness Choral Society, Gordon was appointed Conductor in 2001.

Accompanist:  ADRIAN MARPLE

Adrian Marple is now based in Dingwall, having moved to Scotland in 2018. This followed a career which combined performing and teaching, as Director of Music at Stoke College, Suffolk, combined with the position of Director of Music and Organist at St Mary’s Church in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk.
He and his wife Ruth decided it was time for a change for their family, and so after many happy family holidays in and around Inverness they moved up to be nearer to her family, who live in Contin. 

He now combines his position as Director of Music at Inverness Cathedral with Piano teaching, and is really looking forward to accompanying Inverness Choral Society, and particularly working under the baton of Gordon Tocher!




Membership Secretary:  MARY THOMSON
Concert Secretary / Librarian:   ANGUS BETHUNE Patrons:  Vacant  
Sales:   SANDY KERNOHAN   Carolthon:    ANDREA GRITTER  
Artwork and printing:  CLARE BLOIS Publicity:  Vacant  
Stage Manager:  DUNCAN FORBES   Website (ex officio): ELSPETH LEE
Facebook (ex offico): LORRAINE GEDDES      












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